
Each of us searches for meaning, purpose, and connection in life.

We ask questions about how we should live or how we should relate to others. Disability does not preclude a profound spiritual life. In fact, it is our experience that persons with intellectual disabilities often experience the Divine or Holy—the One we know as God—more keenly than others.

Pleasant View desires to help those we serve as they seek answers to these questions in their lives.  Our pastor offers care and support to the Pleasant View community and encourages local faith groups to welcome the unique gifts that our community brings.

Meaning & Connection at Pleasant View

At Pleasant View, the spirituality program has both an inward and an outward focus

Inward Focus
Addressing personal spiritual concerns

Spiritual Nuture

We grow as people who look for beauty, goodness, and love around us.

Pastoral Care

When we face difficulties, we walk together in order to tend to our wounds and hurts. When needed, we grieve together. And of course, we also celebrate together!

Healthy Relationships

We honor good relationships; we mentor each other as we grow; and we work toward healthy conflict resolution, when needed.
Outward Focus
Sharing gifts with community

Joining Faith Communities

Many Pleasant View residents have formed deep friendships within religious communities around Rockingham County and Harrisonburg.

Worship Team

Our worship team is a place of joy! From a Christian perspective, we share our gifts and help local churches to see the Body of Christ more completely.


We advocate for full inclusion of persons with intellectual disabilities in places of worship. We offer to speak, to write, or to share in other ways about our spiritual lives.

Providing Spiritual Support to those we serve

Pastor Derek Yoder provides spiritual support to the Pleasant View community. He is also part of the coordinating team for Faith & Light in the Shenandoah Valley. Faith & Light is an inclusive Christian worship service that meets monthly at Trinity Presbyterian Church. If you would like to discuss or learn more about the spirituality of persons with intellectual disabilities or the support at Pleasant View, you are invited to contact pastor Derek.

Part of a Larger, Faith-based community

Many in our Pleasant View community members participate in Faith & Light. Faith & Light is an international organization that offers a safe place of worship to persons with intellectual disabilities (the core members) and their families and friends.


A group picture of the faith & Light retreat April 2023